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Research Summary: IP, Patent Valuation, Strategy & Innovation

This area of research is focused on intellectual property, competitive strategy, and innovation. I'm interested in conducting research on intellectual property strategy, IP valuation, developing models and theoretical frameworks for examining IP strategy and early stage patent valuation, and preparing review articles on ``recent patents" on particular methods and technology areas (patent landscape studies).

Currently, I am actively conducting research on fundamental patent law questions involving as subject matter eligibility of information age inventions (e.g., computer-related inventions, data science inventions, biotech) and the impact of recent US Supreme Court case law including Mayo v Prometheus and Alice Corp v CLS Bank, as well as the parallel jurisprudence of the EPO and countries signatory of the European Patent Convention.

In order to bring this patent law research to practice, I also actively prosecute selected patent applications before the USPTO as a Registered Patent Agent. My part-time boutique patent practice is focused on cases raising interesting issues of patent law resulting in challenging patent prosecutions from a legal and technical standpoint. I have successfully prosecuted to Allowance over 35 cases in the last 4 years (all of which required overcoming Non-Final and/or Final Rejections raising 35 USC 101, 102, 103 and/or 112 issues).

In the field of strategy, I'm primarily interested in application of the Delta Model (Hax) and the theory of disruptive innovation to various firms and their generalizations.

A one page summary of the current research topic is found here.

For additional details visit: or the LML, University of Cambridge, UK