My Favorite Books on Signal Processing (Top 15)

The list below includes some of the authors and corresponding books that have influenced me the most in the field of signal processing. The list I provide consist of my top 15 selection. I hope to have time to do a more detailed review of each of them someday in the future:

-Digital Signal Processing, Proakis (DSP Fudamentals)
-Introduction to Linear Algebra, Strang (Math Basics for SSP)
-Intuitive Probability and Random Processes using MATLAB, Kay (Math Basics for SSP)
-Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling, Hayes (Statistical SP)
-Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing, Manolakis (Statistical SP)
-Applied Optimal Estimation, Gelb (Kalman Filters)
-Linear Estimation, Kailath/Sayed (Kalman Fitlers)
-Statistical Signal Processing, Kay (Linear Estimation)
-Adaptive Filter Theory, Haykin (Adaptive Filtering)
-Adaptive Signal Processing, Widrow (Adaptive Filtering)
-Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering, Sayed (Adaptive Filtering)
-Spectral Analysis of Signal, Stoica (Spectrum Estimation)
-Digital Spectral Analysis with Applications, Marple (Spectrum Estimation)
-An Introduction to the Bootstrap, Efron (Adaptive Filtering)
-Bootstrap Techniques for Signal Processing, Zoubir (Bootrap)

Of these, the most influencial books for my research have been Statistical Digital Signal Processing by Hayes and Linear Estimation by Kailath.