My Favorite Books on Management (Top 15)

The list below includes some of the authors and corresponding books that have influenced me the most in the field of management and leadership. I hope to have time to do a more detailed review of each of them someday in the future:

-The Delta Project, Arnoldo Hax (Strategy)
-Classic Drucker, Peter Drucker (Management)
-The Practice of Management, Peter Drucker (Management)
-The Effective Executive, Peter Drucker (Leadership)
-Kotler on Marketing, Philip Kotler (Marketing)
-Re-Imagine, Tom Peters (Innovation)
-The Circle of Innovation, Tom Peters (Innovation)
-Competitive Strategy, Michael Porter (Strategy)
-Competivite Advantage, Michael Porter (Strategy)
-Leading Change, John Kotter (Change Management)
-Marketing Management and Strategy, Peter Doyle and Phillip Stern (Marteting)
-The Dynamics of International Strategy, Susan Segal-Horn and David Faulkner (International Strategy)
-Analysis for Financial Management, Robert Higgins (Finance)
-The Human Side of Managing Technological Innovation, Ralph Katz (Technology Management)
-The Organization and Architecture of Innovation, Thomas Allen (Space & Innovation).

Of these, the authors that have influenced me the most have been Arnoldo Hax, Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, and Philip Kotler. I had the great pleasure and oppotunity to take the course on “Reinventing Business Strategy” taught by Arnoldo Hax at MIT Sloan. His presentations, analysis, and clarity of thinking was life changing. I also had the opportunity to take courses by Ralph Katz and Thomas Allen at MIT.